Same Day Garage Door Service
Garage Door Springs

Springs Worse For Wear?

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Garage Door Springs

What Are The Different Types Of Springs?

The springs are vital to allowing your door to work properly when you need it. There are two types that your door may have, extension or torsion. While they both create and store energy to be used in lifting your door, they do this in different ways. Extension springs are pulled to create tension, while torsion springs are twisted up tightly. Extension springs are more likely to wear down and break faster due to being stretched to their limit frequently, and can be dangerous when they do snap, which is why it’s best to get them treated more often.

DIY Is Not Recommended

It’s much safer and easier to allow professionals to take care of anything having to do with the springs, as they can prove to be dangerous if not handled carefully. They may snap and cause harm, and can also bring the whole door crashing down, resulting in even more trouble to deal with. Our team has been working in the field for years, so you can count on us to be able to handle the task carefully and much more quickly so you don’t have to worry.

Adjustments And Replacements

Whether your springs could simply use some adjustments to get back in working order, or need to be replaced altogether, we can help right away. We’re familiar with both types of spring, so you won’t have to worry about whether we can tend to yours. If you’ve noticed that your door seems to fall shut more than lowering slowly, or other signs that it’s struggling to work, the problem may be with the spring. Without them, your door won’t be going anywhere, so it’s best to reach out to the experts for assistance as soon as possible!

There’s No Reason To Wait

Rather than continue to struggle with a malfunctioning door, simply call our technicians at Garage Door Repair Broomfield today! We’ll be out to help right away. You’ll only regret not contacting us sooner!

Some Expert Advice

How can I tell which type of garage door springs I have?

Torsion springs will be mounted above your garage door, on a rod or spindle that stretches along its top. Extension springs will be mounted across your garage ceiling, perpendicular to the door, and are generally much longer. For both types, you can learn the size and dimensions by checking the number on the cones that hold the springs in place.

How do I know what size garage door spring I need?

The size, width, and other dimensions of the type of spring your door needs will be written on the torsion or holding cones that the springs are mounted with. There’s no one standardized system for notating spring types, unfortunately, but you can check online to see what any combinations of letters or numbers you find stands for, or consult a local hardware store or dealership.

Can a garage door without springs still work?

Not very well, but yes. If your springs are broken or removed, you should avoid using the garage door as much as possible until you can get a pair of new ones put in. Opening and closing the door without springs puts excess strain on the other components (like the lift cables) that aren’t meant to handle it, and will reduce their service lives considerably. Get new springs as soon as possible, and make economical use of the door until then.

Can you tell me how to open a garage door with a broken spring?

Sometimes, an automatic garage door will open even with a broken spring, though you shouldn’t use it any more than is strictly necessary or you may damage other components. If it won’t open at all, then you can still do it manually using crowbars to lift it off the ground and stepladders to hold it up as you raise it higher. You’ll need at least one other person to help you with this. It’s a difficult and inelegant solution, but useful in emergencies until you can get new springs.

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